So if you're on social media this week at all, then you've probably seen the angry comments, the re-posts, and the memes about the flare up of the abortion debate. I usually try to not publish my opinions on such matters, at least on social media, because it's pointless to argue online. You're not going to change anyone's mind, at least not unless the discourse is civil, which on the internet it usually isn't. That being said, I do feel the need to stand up for what I believe is right, moral, and true.
I wholeheartedly accept and support this quote from President Nelson. The child forming in a woman's womb has it's own unique DNA, and very quickly it's own heartbeat. It is not part of the mother's body. Therefore with the comparatively rare exception of incest, rape, or preserving the life of the mother (all situations that still require a great deal of prayer and soul searching before terminating the pregnancy) destroying the life of an unborn child is evil.
I am not judging the women who have or will have an abortion. I know no woman comes to that decision lightly, or at least I hope none do. But I do judge the act, and condemn it. To me it's clear. Some things are just wrong. And I think I have a responsibility to stand up for what I believe and a right to do so without being accused of trying to control, repress, or silence women. Anyone who knows me knows that's not who I am.
I also am not really taking a position on laws being passed in other states. The legality and political maneuvering involved in this fight is extremely complex and I admit, I don't know and understand all the factors (that's not an invitation to educate me, please).
Perhaps posting this is just foolish and inflammatory. I know I won't convince anyone to join the pro-life position if they are already opposed to it. And I may lose some Facebook connections. But I felt that I needed to go on record as one who believes that abortion is never a good thing. At best it's a necessary evil, but usually it's just evil.