Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mr. Miyagi on Ether 12:6

I like to find examples in my favorite movies and books that illustrate gospel principles. I think it's because I had a teacher who did this in Seminary with Star Wars, and it's always stayed with me. Of course this is no substitute for the scriptures or words of living prophets, but I think it's fun and an effective teaching aid. So here's a clip from The Karate Kid that I think is a great illustration of  Ether 12: 6

"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith."

(Warning, there is swearing. But if you didn't know that, because you've never seen the Karate Kid, then I'm not sure we should be friends).  

Often we're asked to do things (or not do things) by our Heavenly Father and his authorized servants that we don't understand or disagree with. We can't see how abstaining from coffee and tea effects our spirituality, or maybe it's something odd from church history that we can't reconcile with modern policy, or maybe its even disagreeing with the church's stance on same-sex marriage. Whatever it is, we often expect God to prove to us FIRST the "why's" and "what-for's" of His will and commandments.

But that's not the way God works. It's never been the way He's worked in His dealings with His mortal children. We chose to come to Him in order to learn what is needed for peace in this world and salvation in the next, and we do it on His terms, not ours. We've come to Him to be trained in the ways of Eternal Life, and He will teach us in His way, and that may not always square with our limited understanding and short-sided expectations.

Like Daniel, we are learning line upon line, and one day it will all come together and we'll finally get it.

Ether 12: 6  ...dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

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